Allowing comments after the line continuation backslash
Roy Smith
roy at
Tue Nov 2 07:46:23 EDT 2010
In article <mailman.469.1288654964.2218.python-list at>,
Chris Rebert <clp2 at> wrote:
> I find the level of deviation from PEP 8 in that file rather disturbing.
> In any case, the backslashes are easily avoided, and readability
> improved IMHO, via refactoring:
> desc_attr_colors_triples = (("normal", "image", MainWindow.ColorsNormalList),
> ("highlighted", "highlight", MainWindow.ColorsHighlightedList),
> ("selected", "select", MainWindow.ColorsSelectedList))
> for in description, attr, color_list in desc_attr_colors_triples:
> ...
I like and use PEP-8. At the start of any project involving myself,
other people, and Python, I'll generally suggest we follow PEP-8 style,
and I can't remember ever getting any pushback. That being said, I
don't hold it in awe. Likewise, I don't worry in the least about
deviating when readability would be improved by doing so.
In this case, I think I would do:
styles = [("normal", "image", MainWindow.ColorsNormalList),
("highlighted", "highlight", MainWindow.ColorsHighlightedList),
("selected", "select", MainWindow.ColorsSelectedList)]
for in description, attr, color_list in styles:
blah, blah, blah
For those reading this in a non-fixed width font, I've laid out the
definition of styles as a table, with spaces inserted to make the
columns line up. For data like this, I think it makes it easier to read
and comprehend. As a minor nit, note that I made it a list of tuples,
not a tuple of tuples.
I'm tempted to do an additional refactoring to get rid of the verbose
color list names:
CL_Normal = MainWindow.ColorsNormalList)
CL_Highlighted = MainWindow.ColorsHighlightedList
CL_Selected = MainWindow.ColorsSelectedList
styles = [("normal", "image", CL_Normal),
("highlighted", "highlight", CL_Highlighted),
("selected", "select", CL_Selected)]
I haven't decided if this makes things better or worse. For this small
table, I'm inclined to say worse. If the table were much larger and I
were reusing many of the color list names over and over, I would
certainly do that. If MainWindow were a well-designed module and I
could do
import * from MainWindow
without cluttering up my namespace too much, I would do that, then just
use the unadorned names.
Also, depending on what I was doing inside the loop, I might pick
shorter names. For example:
for in d, a, c in styles:
is perfectly clear. Normally, I don't use single-letter variable names,
but in this particular case, the descriptive function names provide all
the context that's need to explain what they are.
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