Popen Question
Chris Torek
nospam at torek.net
Fri Nov 5 06:03:07 EDT 2010
In article <891a9a80-c30d-4415-ac81-bddd0b564fa6 at g13g2000yqj.googlegroups.com>
moogyd <moogyd at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>[sde:staff at lbux03 ~]$ python
>Python 2.6 (r26:66714, Feb 21 2009, 02:16:04)
>[GCC 4.3.2 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291]] on linux2
>Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> import os, subprocess
>>>> os.environ['MYVAR'] = "myval"
>>>> p = subprocess.Popen(['echo', '$MYVAR'],shell=True)
Alain Ketterlin has already explained these to some extent.
Here is a bit more.
This runs, underneath:
['/bin/sh', '-c', 'echo', '$MYVAR']
(with arguments expressed as a Python list). /bin/sh takes the
string after '-c' as a command, and the remaining argument(s) if
any are assigned to positional parameters ($0, $1, etc).
If you replace the command with something a little more explicit,
you can see this:
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(
... [r'echo \$0=$0 \$1=$1', 'arg0', '$MYVAR'], shell=True)
>>> $0=arg0 $1=$MYVAR
(I like to call p.communicate() or p.wait(), although p.communicate()
is pretty much a no-op if you have not done any redirecting. Note that
p.communicate() does a p.wait() for you.)
>>>> p = subprocess.Popen(['echo', '$MYVAR'])
>>>> $MYVAR
This time, as Alain noted, the shell does not get involved so no
variable expansion occurs. However, you could do it yourself:
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(['echo', os.environ['MYVAR']])
>>> myval
>>>> p = subprocess.Popen('echo $MYVAR',shell=True)
>>>> myval
(here /bin/sh does the expansion, because you invoked it)
>>>> p = subprocess.Popen('echo $MYVAR')
>Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 595, in __init__
> errread, errwrite)
> File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 1106, in
> raise child_exception
>OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
This attempted to run the executable named 'echo $MYVAR'. It did
not exist so the underlying exec (after the fork) failed. The
exception was passed back to the subprocess module, which raised
it in the parent for you to see.
If you were to create an executable named 'echo $MYVAR' (including
the blank and dollar sign) somewhere in your path (or use an explicit
path to it), it would run. I will also capture the actual output
this time:
$ cat '/tmp/echo $MYVAR'
#! /usr/bin/awk NR>1{print}
this is a self-printing file
anything after the first line has NR > 1, so gets printed
$ chmod +x '/tmp/echo $MYVAR'
$ python
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Feb 6 2009, 19:02:12)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import subprocess
>>> p = subprocess.Popen('/tmp/echo $MYVAR', stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> print p.communicate()[0]
this is a self-printing file
anything after the first line has NR > 1, so gets printed
>>> p.returncode
Incidentally, fun with #!: you can make self-renaming scripts:
sh-3.2$ echo '#! /bin/mv' > /tmp/selfmove; chmod +x /tmp/selfmove
sh-3.2$ ls /tmp/*move*
sh-3.2$ /tmp/selfmove /tmp/I_moved
sh-3.2$ ls /tmp/*move*
or even self-removing scripts:
sh-3.2$ echo '#! /bin/rm' > /tmp/rmme; chmod +x /tmp/rmme
sh-3.2$ /tmp/rmme
sh-3.2$ /tmp/rmme
sh: /tmp/rmme: No such file or directory
(nothing to do with python, just the way #! interpreter lines work).
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Wind River Systems
Salt Lake City, UT, USA (40°39.22'N, 111°50.29'W) +1 801 277 2603
email: gmail (figure it out) http://web.torek.net/torek/index.html
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