Silly newbie question - Caret character (^)
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand
Tue Nov 9 17:32:32 EST 2010
In message <mailman.778.1289325458.2218.python-list at>, Terry Reedy
> I've been wondering why C programmers keep writing code susceptible to
> buffer overruns ;=).
I am continually disappointed with the ‘do as I say, not as I do” attitude
among people offering up sample code. I remember writing to one contributor
to a programming magazine many years ago, about his admonition not to simply
copy-and-paste sample code, to point out that he had done exactly that
(complete with bug).
The main sticking point seems to be error checking; for some reason, writers
of sample code seem to believe the code is “clearer” if you leave this out,
when in fact all real-world applications of the illustrated techniques would
include the error checks. So what do they end up illustrating? Nothing
relevant to the real world.
Is this why so many real-world programs fail to check for errors in
important places, and segfault or behave unpredictably instead of gracefully
reporting a problem?
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