Silly newbie question - Caret character (^)
usenet-nospam at
Tue Nov 9 23:12:30 EST 2010
On 2010-11-10, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
> What was sad to me to read <> was this
> phrase of yours:
> ... but rather, takes the shortest path to something that won't get
> those complaints anymore ...
> To me, this is the sign of someone who doesn't really enjoy what they do.
I both write and program, and I do them because I love them. If I won
the lottery tomorrow (and hey, my chances are only very very slightly lower
than everyone else's), I wouldn't stop programming or writing. I might
change my focus some, but both of them are things I'd keep doing.
> Because somebody who cares about what they do would take the trouble to get
> it right. But if he can't be bothered, why does he keep doing it? There must
> be more pleasant ways of getting a meal ticket...
It's hard to say. I get the feeling sometimes that he's one of the people
to whom programming is sort-of-fun, but not fun when you have to get all
persnickety about it. Similarly, writing is fun if you're getting praised
for it, but dealing with criticism is harder. (Trust me, I know of this;
I have gotten a fair number of corrections over the years.)
That said, I suspect he's made a fairly large amount of money; multiple
bestsellers is a pretty good way to make a decent bit of pocket change.
I may have my gripes about Python, but I will say this: The Python community
seems full of people who are passionate about writing good code. I would
much rather be in a community of people who care a lot about how I should
do things, but I think they're wrong, than about people who figure anything
that the interpreter accepts is fine. I can learn from people I disagree
with, but not from people who don't care.
Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed. Peter Seebach / usenet-nospam at <-- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures <-- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.
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