DTD Parsing
aioe.org at technicalbloke.com
Wed Nov 10 01:14:56 EST 2010
On 10/11/10 03:36, Asun Friere wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2:02 pm, Christian Heimes<li... at cheimes.de> wrote:
>> Am 10.11.2010 03:44, schrieb Felipe Bastos Nunes:
>>> I'd like to know too. I work with java and jdom, but I'm doing
>>> personal things in python, and plan to go full python in the next 2
>>> years. Xml is my first option for configuration files and simple
>>> storages.
>> Don't repeat the mistakes of others and use XML as a configuration
>> language. XML isn't meant to be edited by humans.
> Yes but configuration files are not necessarily meant to be edited by
> humans either!
> Having said that, I'm actually old school and prefer "setting=value"
> human editable config files which are easily read into a dict via some
> code something like this:
Me too when possible, TBH if I only needed strings and there was no
pressing security issue I'd just do this...
config = {}
for line in (open("config.txt", 'r')):
if len(line) > 0 and line[0] <> "#":
param, value = line.rstrip().split("=",1)
config[param] = value
There is a place for XML settings though, they're nice and portable and
for some apps you probably don't want end users editing their
configurations by hand in a text editor anyway, you would prefer them to
use the nice consistency preserving config interface you have lovingly
built for them. You have built them a nice GUI config interface haven't
you ??? ;)
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