Sending changed parameters into nested generators
cbrown at
cbrown at
Thu Nov 18 03:03:05 EST 2010
On Nov 12, 10:52 pm, "John O'Hagan" <resea... at> wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Nov 2010, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 09:47:26 +0000, John O'Hagan wrote:
> > > I have a generator function which takes as arguments another generator
> > > and a dictionary of other generators like this:
> > > def modgen(gen, gendict):
> > > for item in gen():
> > > for k, v in gendict:
> > > do_something_called_k(item,
> > > yield item
> > [snip]
> > > If anyone's still reading :) , how can I send new values to arbitrary
> > > sub- generators?
> > I have a headache after reading your problem :(
> > I think it's a good time to point you at the Zen, particularly these five
> > maxims:
> > Beautiful is better than ugly.
> > Simple is better than complex.
> > Complex is better than complicated.
> > Flat is better than nested.
> > If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
> > I'm afraid that your nested generators inside another generator idea
> > fails all of those... it's not elegant (beautiful), it's complicated,
> > it's nested, and the implementation is hard to explain.
> > You could probably replace generators with full-blown iterators, but I
> > wonder what you're trying to accomplish that is so complicated that it
> > needs such complexity to solve it. What are you actually trying to
> > accomplish? Can you give a simple example of what practical task you hope
> > to perform? I suspect there's probably a more elegant way to solve the
> > problem.
> I hope there is!
> The project not practical but artistic; it's a real-time musical composition
> program.
> A (simplified) description: one module contains number-list generating
> functions, others contain functions designed to filter and modify the number
> lists produced, according to various parameters. Each such stream of number
> lists is assigned a musical meaning (e.g. pitch, rhythm, volume, etc) and they
> are combined to produce representations of musical phrases, which are sent to
> a backend which plays the music as it is produced, and makes PDF scores. Each
> such "instrument" runs as a separate thread, so several can play together in a
> coordinated fashion.
> All the compositional interest lies in the selection of number-list generators
> and how their output is modified. For example, if I say "Play every third note
> up an octave" it's not very interesting, compared to "Play every nth note up
> an interval of m", where n and m vary according to some pattern. It gets even
> more interesting when that pattern is a function of x and y, which also vary
> according to another pattern, and so on.
> To that end, I have each parameter of each modifier set by another generator,
> such that the value may change with each iteration. This may continue
> recursively, until at some level we give a parameter a simple value.
> That's all working, but I also want it to be interactive. Each thread opens a
> terminal where new options can be entered, but so far it only works, as I
> mentioned, for changing the values in a top-level mutable object.
I might first suggest this, although I have some caveats to add:
def genfilter(evaluator, **param_sources):
while True:
params = {}
for param, gen in param_sources.iteritems():
params[param] =
yield evaluator(**params)
You can then do things like:
>>> def concat(in1, in2):
>>> return str(in1)+"|"+str(in2)
>>> a = (i for i in range(1,5)) # generator based on a list
>>> b = (2*i for i in xrange(1,5)) # 'pure' generator
>>> c = genfilter(concat, in1=a, in2=b)
>>> for x in c:
>>> print x
or, more relevant to your original question regarding modifying things
>>> class Mult():
>>> def __init__(self, multiplier):
>>> self.mulitplier = multiplier
>>> def multi(self, val):
>>> return val*self.multiplier
>>> m = Mult(2)
>>> a = (i for i in range(1,10))
>>> b = (i for i in range(1,10))
>>> c = genfilter(m.multi, val=b)
>>> d = genfilter(concat, in1=a, in2=c)
>>> m.multiplier = 3
Obviously more complex and useful examples could be made, but
hopefully you get the idea: don't focus on modifying the generators,
instead modify the action of the functions which take the generators
as inputs.
But a real problem with this whole strategy is that a generator's
next() function is called every time it is evaluated. If the
relationship between your various generators forms a rooted tree,
that's not a problem, but I would think the relationships form a
directed acyclic graph, and in that case, you end up 'double
incrementing' nodes in a way you don't want:
>>> m = Mult(2)
>>> a = (i for i in range(1,10))
>>> b = genfilter(m.multi, val=a)
>>> c = genfilter(concat, in1=a, in2=b)
>>> for x in c:
>>> print x
And that's not an unnatural situation for your application: you might
have a generator that produces a note, and then three other distinct
genfilters that you want to use to create three instruments which form
a chord based on that note. With the above pattern (and also your
original pattern) you would end up invoking the note generator three
times; and I think you don't really want that.
To solve that problem, you need a somewhat more complex solution: a
class that ensures that each previous stage is only invoked once per
'pass'. I've got an idea for that, if that is of interest.
Cheers - Chas
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