How to run an EXE, with argument, capture output value
Jean-Michel Pichavant
jeanmichel at
Thu Nov 18 06:02:04 EST 2010
Tim Harig wrote:
> On 2010-11-18, noydb <noydb00 at> wrote:
>> I have an executable that I want to run within python code. The exe
>> requires an input text file, the user to click a 'compute' button, and
>> then the exe calculates several output values, one of which I want to
>> capture into a variable. Can I use Python to supply the input file,
>> execute the exe and capture the output value, like such that the exe
>> really doesn't need to be 'seen'? Or, would the user still have to
>> click the 'compute' button?
>> Any code snippets or guidance would be very much appreciated. I have
>> found that
>> import os
>> os.system('C:\xTool\stats_hall.exe')
>> will run the exe. And, maybe these execl/execle/execlp/etc functions
>> might be what I need for adding in the argument, but documentation
>> seems to indicate that these do not return output. ??
> If you are not already, I would highly suggest using Python3 with the
> subprocess module:
> It puts everything in one place and supercedes the exec* functions which
> where a PITA. You can 95% of what you need simply using
> subprocess.Popen(). There are several examples from this group in the past
> few days; but, the process looks something like this:
> Python 3.1.2 (r312:79147, Oct 9 2010, 00:16:06)
> [GCC 4.4.4] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import subprocess
> >>> pig = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/games/pig"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
> >>> result = pig.communicate(input=b"This is sample text.\n")
> Isthay isway amplesay exttay.
> >>>
Suggesting subprocess is a good idea, *highly* suggesting python3 is
questionable. The above code works in python 2. Many libraries (those
included batteries) have not been ported yet to python 3.
Py3 is a better core language than py2, but for now, less featured.
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