Re: How to correctly pass “pointer-to-pointer” into DLL via ctypes?
Grigory Petrov
grigory.v.p at
Fri Nov 19 07:57:03 EST 2010
Thank you a lot!
I have stripped down my production code to the sample - and it worked.
Bug was in another part of my code where free() was called for the
memory in question.
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Diez B. Roggisch <deets at> wrote:
> Grigory Petrov <grigory.v.p at> writes:
>> Hello.
>> I have a DLL that allocates memory and returns it. Function in DLL is like this:
>> void Foo( unsigned char** ppMem, int* pSize )
>> {
>> * pSize = 4;
>> * ppMem = malloc( * pSize );
>> for( int i = 0; i < * pSize; i ++ ) (* pMem)[ i ] = i;
>> }
>> Also, i have a python code that access this function from my DLL:
>> from ctypes import *
>> Foo = windll.mydll.Foo
>> Foo.argtypes = [ POINTER( POINTER( c_ubyte ) ), POINTER( c_int ) ]
>> mem = POINTER( c_ubyte )()
>> size = c_int( 0 )
>> Foo( byref( mem ), byref( size ) ]
>> print size, mem[ 0 ], mem[ 1 ], mem[ 2 ], mem[ 3 ]
>> I'm expecting that print will show "4 0 1 2 3" but it shows "4 221 221
>> 221 221" O_O. Any hints what i'm doing wrong?
> After correcting quite a few obvious errors in your code, it worked just
> fine for me. So I guess what you think you test is not what you test.
> ---
> from ctypes import *
> foo = cdll.LoadLibrary("/Users/deets/projects/GH28/kinect/kinect/c/foo/libtest.dylib").foo
> foo.argtypes = [ POINTER( POINTER( c_ubyte ) ), POINTER( c_int ) ]
> mem = POINTER( c_ubyte )()
> size = c_int( 0 )
> foo( byref( mem ), byref( size ) )
> print size, mem[ 0 ], mem[ 1 ], mem[ 2 ], mem[ 3 ]
> ---
> --- test.c
> void foo( unsigned char** ppMem, int* pSize )
> {
> int i;
> * pSize = 4;
> * ppMem = malloc( * pSize );
> for( i = 0; i < * pSize; i ++ ) (* ppMem)[ i ] = i;
> }
> ---
> --- CMakeLists.txt
> cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
> project (Test)
> add_library(test SHARED test.c)
> ---
> --
> Diez
> --
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