
Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at
Wed Nov 24 06:18:38 EST 2010

Garland Fulton, 24.11.2010 06:55:
> Is there a way I can define an Array of and unknown size so I can add and
> remove to or from it?
> Are arrays immutable?

Python has lists and tuples as basic data structures. Tuples are completely 
immutable, lists are completely mutable. If you want a container that has a 
fixed size but allows changing items, use a list and avoid calling 
.append() and .remove() to change items in favour of direct item 
assignments. If you want a completely mutable container, use a list and use 
it as you see fit. If you want a stack, a list will do. If you want a 
queue, a deque is a better option.

In any case, if you tell us more about what you actually want to do, we can 
give better suggestions.


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