"Strong typing vs. strong testing"

Rob Warnock rpw3 at rpw3.org
Wed Oct 13 04:08:57 EDT 2010

RG  <rNOSPAMon at flownet.com> wrote:
| This reminds me of back when I was a kid and my dad was trying to teach 
| me basic physics.  He kept saying that the acceleration of gravity was 
| 9.8 meters per second squared and I just couldn't wrap my brain around 
| what it meant to square a second.
| Now that I think about it, I still can't.  :-)

Write it our longhand and it's easier to grok:

    9.8 m/s^2 ==> 9.8 m/(s*s) ==> 9.8 m/(s*s) ==>
    (9.8 meters per second) per second.
     \                   /
      \__ speed added __/   per second


Rob Warnock			<rpw3 at rpw3.org>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:http://rpw3.org/>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607

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