Hyperlink to a file using python

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Wed Oct 13 17:19:36 EDT 2010

On 10/13/2010 1:57 PM Pratik Khemka said...
> I want to create a hyperlink in my excel sheet using python such that when you click on that link (which is a file name (html file)), the file automatically opens. This file is present in the same folder in which the python code file is present.
> I am using xlwt module
> link=  'abcd.html'
> sheet.write(x, y, link, format_style)

Hmmm... my excel does that automagically when I
type "http://xx.yy.zz/word.html into a cell.

What happens when you use "http://a.b.c/abcd.html"?


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