Fastest way to detect a non-ASCII character in a list of strings.

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at
Wed Oct 20 01:52:15 EDT 2010

Dun Peal, 20.10.2010 02:07:
> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 1:41 AM, Stefan Behnel wrote:
>> Or, a bit shorter, using Cython 0.13:
>>     def only_allowed_characters(list strings):
>>         cdef unicode s
>>         return any((c<  31 or c>  127)
>>                    for s in strings for c in s)
> Very cool, this caused me to look up the 0.13 release notes:
> So they support generator expressions inside all() et al now...

Yes, because they can be inlined with their full Python semantics.

> Makes you wonder how long till they support them generally ;-)

Well, the estimate is about one man-month, so it would be doable in about 
three months time if we had the money to work on it. So far, no one has 
made a serious offer to support that project, though.


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