The 'n' format specifier

BoĊĦtjan Mejak bostjan.mejak at
Thu Oct 21 04:32:38 EDT 2010

The locale.setlocale(category=locale.LC_NUMERIC, locale="Slovenian")  works
like a charm in my application. Now the 'n format specifier works as I want.
But tell me whether the 'n' forma specifier can be forced to round the float
to just one decimal place. I know that the 'f' format specifier does that by
specifying ".1f", but 'f' is not locale-aware. I have set the 'n' format
specifier in my application like ".3n", which is okay if the returned number
is two integers and one decimal, but is not okay if the returned number is
one integer and two decimals, because I want just one decimal, always. How
can I make that by using the 'n' format specifier?
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