[ANN]littletable 0.3 release

Paul McGuire ptmcg at austin.rr.com
Sun Oct 24 23:30:12 EDT 2010

Announcing the 0.3 release of littletable (the module formerly known
as dulce).  The version includes (thanks to much help from Colin
McPhail, thanks Colin!):
- support for namedtuples as table objects
- Python 3 compatibility
- Table.pivot() to summarize record counts by 1 or 2 table attributes

littletable (formerly dulce) is a simple ORM-like wrapper for managing
collections of Python objects like relational tables.  No schema
definition is used; instead table columns are introspected from the
attributes of objects inserted into the table, and inferred from index
and query parameters.  Tables can be:
- indexed
- queried
- joined
- pivoted
- imported from/exported to .CSV files

Also, every query or join returns a new full-fledged littletable Table
- no distinction of Tables vs. DataSets vs. RecordSets vs. whatever.
So it is easy to build up a complex database analysis from a
succession of joins and queries.

littletable is a simple environment for experimenting with tables,
joins, and indexing, with a minimum of startup overhead.  You can
download littletable at http://sourceforge.net/projects/littletable/ -
htmldocs can be viewed at http://packages.python.org/littletable/.

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