Unix-head needs to Windows-ize his Python script
Tim Golden
mail at timgolden.me.uk
Thu Oct 21 04:02:58 EDT 2010
On 20/10/2010 18:38, gb345 wrote:
> I have a handy Python script, which takes a few command-line
> arguments, and accepts a few options. I developed it on Unix, with
> very much of a Unix-mindset. Some Windows-using colleagues have
> asked me to make the script "easy to use under Windows 7". I.e.:
> no command-line.
The usual suspects for this include:
Any of those will suffice, I suspect. Personally, I use my
own winsys.dialogs:
which have the very slight advantage of allowing dragging-and-dropping
files from explorer into textedit controls and/or having a button which
brings up the FileOpen (or any other) system dialog. If you do want
to use it, I suggest the svn trunk which will work for Py2 or Py3
(courtesy of 2to3).
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