Why "flat is better than nested"?
no.email at please.post
Mon Oct 25 11:20:27 EDT 2010
In <f8b6c925-ca3b-4be4-8851-6b18c6465322 at j18g2000yqd.googlegroups.com> rantingrick <rantingrick at gmail.com> writes:
>On Oct 25, 5:07=A0am, kj <no.em... at please.post> wrote:
>> In "The Zen of Python", one of the "maxims" is "flat is better than
>> nested"? =A0Why? =A0Can anyone give me a concrete example that illustrate=
>> this point?
>Simple. This commandment (endowed by the anointed one, GvR) is
>directed directly at lisp and those filthy lispers. If you don't know
>what lisp is then Google it. Then try to program with it for one hour.
>Very soon after your head will explode from the nested bracket plague
>and then you shall be enlightened!
Some of the earliest programming I ever did was in Lisp. Scheme
actually. In good ol' 6.001, back in '82. I loved it. I have no
problem whatsoever with it.
Benightedly yours,
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