Unix-head needs to Windows-ize his Python script (II)
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand
Tue Oct 26 02:11:40 EDT 2010
In message <mailman.216.1287980107.2218.python-list at python.org>, Steve
Holden wrote:
> and, in fact, the console is only a GUI window in a windowed system. It
> might be one of the console emulation windows that init starts under
> linux, or even a terminal connected to a computer by a serila line, for
> heavens sake.
But now you’re no longer talking about Windows. Windows is the only one that
gets it backwards like this, forcing the creation of GUI elements for non-
GUI-based programs, and not for GUI-based ones.
More reasonably-designed systems, such as you describe above, make no such
distinction between “GUI” and “non-GUI” programs. There is no difference
based on the name of your executable, how it is built, or what libraries it
links to; the only difference is in its run-time behaviour, whether it
invokes any GUI functions or not.
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