Unix-head needs to Windows-ize his Python script (II)
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand
Wed Oct 27 19:50:33 EDT 2010
In message <mailman.296.1288167734.2218.python-list at python.org>, Dave Angel
> On 2:59 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
>> In message<pan.2010. at nowhere.com>, Nobody wrote:
>>> python.exe is a console executable, pythonw.exe is a GUI executable.
>>> Hence python.exe automatically gets a console window, while pythonw.exe
>>> doesn't. That's the whole reason why Windows has separate python.exe and
>>> pythonw.exe programs, while Unix can use a single /usr/bin/python
>>> program for both GUI and console usage.
>>> The Windows approach makes it easier to Do The Right Thing automatically
>>> ...
>> Except it provides no easy way to capture the contents of that “console”,
>> for when you’re trying to track down problems, because it disappears as
>> soon as the program exits.
>> It would be a stretch indeed to call this “doing the right thing”,
>> automatically or otherwise.
> Once I realized you had no objective other than Windows bashing, I
> dropped out of this thread.
And yet here you are back again, like a bad smell.
> If the answer to this present pseudo-complaint isn't obvious to you, you
> clearly don't know Windows.
I was just going by what was said in another thread:
As you've noticed, many times a program started from the start menu
doesn't leave its command window open long enough to read the messages.
Maybe it was the write of this who “clearly doesn’t know Windows”?
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