help with calling a static method in a private class

Diez B. Roggisch deets at
Tue Sep 14 10:38:50 EDT 2010

lallous <lallous at> writes:

> How can I keep the class private and have the following work:
> [code]
> class __internal_class(object):
>     @staticmethod
>     def meth1(s):
>         print "meth1:", s
>     @staticmethod
>     def meth2(s):
>         print "meth2:",
>         __internal_class.meth1(s)
> x = __internal_class()
> x.meth2('sdf')
> [/code]

By not using a double underscore. It is effectless on classes anyway
(they are not hidden because of that).

And additionally, but simply not using staticmethods at all. It's a
rather obscure feature of python - usually, classmethods are what is
considered a static method in other languages. And with that, even your
double underscores work:

class __internal_class(object):
    def meth1(cls, s):
        print "meth1:", s

    def meth2(cls, s):
        print "meth2:",

x = __internal_class()



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