HTML6 proposal (Re: sexp xml syntax transformation)

Xah Lee xahlee at
Thu Sep 23 07:33:37 EDT 2010

On Sep 23, 1:18 am, smh <shafl... at> wrote:
> The following is not exactly what you are looking for, but you might
> find it interesting.
> This blurb is an example of a self-embedding document.
> I've used this XML generator in many applications, and it is usually
> elegant to use the structural parallel between an XML tree and the
> Lisp code that generates it.

Thanks. Very interesting.

i guess that's like lisp's PHP.

> I haven't thought whether it could be reasonable to port it to
> scheme.  Anyone who wants to think about it has my blessing!

just curious, i can't believe if there's not already something similar
in scheme lisp.

 Xah ∑ ☄

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