32 bit bdist_wininst vs x64 platform
Mark Hammond
skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Fri Sep 10 03:09:27 EDT 2010
Hi Robin,
On 9/09/2010 9:28 PM, Robin Becker wrote:
> A reportlab user is using 32 bit python on x64 win 2003. he has a
> problem installing our bdist_wininst exe because the installer cannot
> find python.
That should work fine - lots of pywin32 users do exactly that.
> Apparently the installer is looking at HKLM\Software to locate python,
> but on x64 32 bit program requests get redirected to
> HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node (Extended explanation in KB article 896459).
> Is this fixable by me making a local patch to my distutils to check for
> the real platform and modifying the RegOpenKeyEx call? Or is there some
> distutils magic that I'm missing?
As you mention, 32bit apps querying the registry get redirected in some
cases - but so long as the 32bit bdist_wininst stub is used, that too
will get redirected, so it should all work out fine. Is it possible
they are attempting to install an x64 version of reportlab on a 32bit
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