String formatting with the format string syntax
miki.tebeka at
Tue Sep 14 14:20:18 EDT 2010
You can use ** syntax:
>>> english = {'hello':'hello'}
>>> s.format(**english)
On Sep 14, 9:59 am, Andre Alexander Bell <p... at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm used to write in Python something like
> >>> s = 'some text that says: %(hello)s'
> and then have a dictionary like
> >>> english = { 'hello': 'hello' }
> and get the formatted output like this:
> >>> s % english
> Occasionally I want to extract the field names from the template string.
> I was used to write a class like
> class Extractor(object):
> def __init__(self):
> self.keys = []
> def __getitem__(self, key):
> self.keys.append(key)
> return ''
> and use it like this:
> >>> e = Extractor()
> >>> res = s % e
> >>> e.keys
> ['hello']
> Now Python has the format method for string formatting with the more
> advanced handling. So I could as well write
> >>> s = 'some text that says: {hello!s}'
> >>> s.format(hello='hello')
> My question is, if I do have a string template which uses the newer
> format string syntax, how do I best extract the field information?
> I found the str._formatter_parser() method which I could use like this:
> keys = []
> for (a, key, c, d) in s._formatter_parser():
> if key:
> keys.append(key)
> Is there a more elegant solution?
> What are a, c, d?
> Where can I find additional information on this method?
> Should one use a method that actually starts with an _?
> Couldn't this one change any time soon?
> Thanks for any help
> Andre
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