Learning inheritance

Carl Banks pavlovevidence at gmail.com
Sat Sep 18 20:35:14 EDT 2010

On Sep 18, 4:15 pm, Jorgen Grahn <grahn+n... at snipabacken.se> wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-09-18, Niklasro wrote:
> > Hi
> > How can I make the visibility of a variable across many methods or
> > files? To avoid repeating the same line eg     url =
> > os.environ['HTTP_HOST'] if os.environ.get('HTTP_HOST') else
> > os.environ['SERVER_NAME'] I repeat for many methods. So declaring it
> > to a super class and inheriting it is my plan. Do you agree or propose
> > otherwise?
> Inheritance is not the main tool for sharing code.

That statement might be a little too general to be true.  Inheritance
is a (or the) main tool for different objects to share behavior, which
is implemented by code.  So when your program is organized around
objects, it is the (or a) main tool.

You are right that you shouldn't rework your code into an OO style
simply because you want to share code.  I think that's what you meant.

> Just make it a
> function and place it in one of your modules (files):

Or even just make it a global variable in the module (which would work
in this case, unless you plan to update the environment within the

Carl Banks

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