check path.exists() with a "converted" path

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Mon Sep 27 05:43:49 EDT 2010

Alessandro wrote:

> Hi, I'm a python newbie with a problem too hard to tackle.
> I have a string defining a path, were all the spaces have been
> converted to underscores.
> How can I find if it corresponds to a real path?
> e.g. a string like '/some/path_to/directory_1/and_to/directory_2'
> with a real path: '/some/path_to/directory 1/and_to/directory 2'
> notice that the real path can contain BOTH spaces and underscores.
> How can I feed it to os.path.exists() ???

$ mkdir -p aa{\ ,_}aa/bb{\ ,_}b{\ ,_}/c\ c
$ tree
|-- aa aa
|   |-- bb b
|   |   `-- c c
|   |-- bb b_
|   |   `-- c c
|   |-- bb_b
|   |   `-- c c
|   `-- bb_b_
|       `-- c c
`-- aa_aa
    |-- bb b
    |   `-- c c
    |-- bb b_
    |   `-- c c
    |-- bb_b
    |   `-- c c
    `-- bb_b_
        `-- c c

18 directories, 0 files
$ python
Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec  7 2009, 18:43:55)
[GCC 4.4.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import glob
>>> path = "aa_aa/bb_b_/c_c"
>>> glob.glob(path.replace("_", "[_ ]"))
['aa_aa/bb b_/c c', 'aa_aa/bb_b /c c', 'aa_aa/bb b /c c', 'aa_aa/bb_b_/c c', 
'aa aa/bb b_/c c', 'aa aa/bb_b /c c', 'aa aa/bb b /c c', 'aa aa/bb_b_/c c']

I didn't want to throw away my demo just because your question was already 
anwered ;)


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