"Strong typing vs. strong testing"
Pascal Bourguignon
pjb at invitado-174.medicalis.es
Thu Sep 30 09:57:58 EDT 2010
Nick Keighley <nick_keighley_nospam at hotmail.com> writes:
> On 27 Sep, 20:29, p... at informatimago.com (Pascal J. Bourguignon)
> wrote:
>> If you start with the mindset of static type checking, you will consider
>> that your types are checked and if the types at the interface of two
>> modules matches you'll think that everything's ok. And six months later
>> you Mars mission will crash.
> do you have any evidence that this is actually so? That people who
> program in statically typed languages actually are prone to this "well
> it compiles so it must be right" attitude?
Yes, I can witness that it's in the mind set.
Well, the problem being always the same, the time pressures coming from
the sales people (who can sell products of which the first line of
specifications has not been written yet, much less of code), it's always
a battle to explain that once the code is written, there is still a lot
of time needed to run tests and debug it. I've even technical managers,
who should know better, expecting that we write bug-free code in the
first place (when we didn't even have a specification to begin with!).
>> On the other hand, with the dynamic typing mindset, you might even wrap
>> your values (of whatever numerical type) in a symbolic expression
>> mentionning the unit and perhaps other meta data, so that when the other
>> module receives it, it may notice (dynamically) that two values are not
>> of the same unit, but if compatible, it could (dynamically) convert into
>> the expected unit. Mission saved!
> they *may* do this but do they *actually* do it? My (limited)
> experience of dynamically typed languges is everynow and again you
> attempt to apply an operator to the wrong type of operand and kerblam!
> If your testing is inadaquate then it's inadaquate whatever the
> typiness of your language.
Unfortunately, a lot of programmers in dynamic programming languages
have been formed with static programming languages bring with them their
old mindset. Moreover, when the syntax of the newer dynamic programming
languages is explicitely designed similar to an older static programming
language, in order to attract these programmers toward the better
technologies, this does not help changing the mindset either.
Unfortunately, you can write FORTRAN code in any programming language.
But my point is that at least with dynamic programming languages,
there's an alternative mindset and it is easier to implement such
a scheme than with static programming languages.
In Lisp, which stresses the symbolic computing part (S-expr are Symbolic
Expressions), it is almost trivial to implement.
__Pascal Bourguignon__
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