Python3 "designed right" (was: PYTHONPATH)
Brendan Simon (eTRIX)
brendan.simon at
Mon Apr 18 19:09:51 EDT 2011
On 19/04/2011 2:15 AM, python-list-request at wrote:
> Subject:
> From:
> MRAB <python at>
> Date:
> Mon, 18 Apr 2011 16:31:31 +0100
> To:
> python-list at
> On 18/04/2011 05:37, harrismh777 wrote:
> [snip]
>> In retrospect, in many ways this is why I am relatively patient with the
>> Python3 development direction. While I think its non-compatibility may
>> hurt in the short term, the long term goal of stream-lining the language
>> will make for a much better Python future. Essentially, the python team
>> said, "Look, python2 sucks... ," and then they went about figuring out
>> what Python would look like had it been "designed" right in the first
>> place. Whalla, Python3. So after years and years of practical experience
>> with the language Python is getting the face lift it deserves, and is
>> going to be one gorgeous lady when finished.
Personally, I really hope Python3 (or 3+) would have some of the
features that Cobra has built into the language.
* dynamic/late binding (like Python) for flexibility _and_
static/early binding for fast execution and error checking.
* inbuilt support for quality
- compile time "None Error" tracking # I have experienced this a
lot and it's a real pain :(
- inbuilt unit testing
- inbuilt "contracts" to ensure conditions are met when calling
* no "self"
* no ":" after if/else statements.
My main gripe with Cobra is that it requires the .NET framework (or
Mono), though the web pages do suggest they are also working on a
version that runs on JVM. Also third party libraries (e.g GUIs like wx)
may not be as good or available (yet) ??
-- Brendan.
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