Argument count mismatch

Westley Martínez anikom15 at
Thu Apr 21 18:41:22 EDT 2011

On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 12:33:09PM -0700, RVince wrote:
> I am getting the following:
> Error - <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: cmseditorlinemethod() takes
> exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
> When I make the following call:
> http://localhost/eligibility/cmseditorlinemethod/474724434
> Which invokes:
> def cmseditorlinemethod(self, ssn):
>         c.details =
> Session.query(MSPResponse).filter(MSPResponse.beneficiaryssn ==
> ssn).all()
>         content = render('/cmseditorline.mako')
>         return content
> Can anyone tell me what the mismatch is in the number of my parameters
> based on this? Thanks, RVince

There's no way to see that link without knowing a domainname or IP.
localhost only works locally, go figure, but regardless I'd suspect that
you need to give two arguments instead of one, considering that's what
the error message said.

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