Addition problems
Roel Schroeven
rschroev_nospam_ml at
Fri Apr 1 17:17:48 EDT 2011
Op 2011-04-01 16:04, vm schreef:
> I'm analyzing some data in python. I have stumbled across unusual problem:
> I have the function...
> def fun1(params_used_below_except_lk_and_lk2):
> lk = 0.0
> lk2 = 0.0
> for raw_data, hist, freq in raw_data_hist_list:
> lk2 = lk2 + fun2(some_constants_and_params_from_this_scope)
> q = fun2(same_args_as_before)
> lk = lk + q
> print lk, lk2
> For some set of input parameters, This function with specific input
> prints out the same constant twice (as expected):
> 15377.7424582 15377.7424582 (twice the same value)
> If I comment out lines q = fun2.... and lk = lk + q, fun1, with the same
> parameters, prints:
> 0.0 3.3469936856
> First value is expected, but I cannot understand how come the second
> value is different in these two cases!
Let's have a look at your source:
> fun1 source:
> def process_measurements_beta_lk(x, raw_data_hist_list):
> lk = 0.0
> lk2 = 0.0
> (p,q,loc,scale) = x
> for raw_data, hist, freq in raw_data_hist_list:
> lk2 = lk2 + get_beta_func_fit_quality_hist_lk('beta',
> (p,q,loc,scale), raw_data, hist)
> # q = get_beta_func_fit_quality_hist_lk('beta',(p,q,loc,scale),
> raw_data, hist)
> # lk = lk + q
> print lk, lk2
> retrun lk
The lie with "lk2 = " uses the value of q. In the version with commented
lines, that value is never changed, while it is changed each iteration
in the version with the lines uncommented.
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Roel Schroeven
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