Encoding problem when launching Python27 via DOS
Jean-Pierre M
pythonrubylang at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 05:02:26 EDT 2011
Thanks a lot for this quick answer! It is very clear!
Ti better understand what the difference between encoding and decoding is I
found the following website: http://www.evanjones.ca/python-utf8.html
<http://www.evanjones.ca/python-utf8.html>I change the program to (changes
are in bold):
*# -*- coding: utf8 -*- *(no more cp1252 the source file is directly in
*Created on 27 déc. 2010*
*@author: jpmena*
*from datetime import datetime*
*import locale*
*import codecs*
*import os,sys*
*class Log(object):*
* log=None*
* def __init__(self,log_path):*
* self.log_path=log_path*
* if(os.path.exists(self.log_path)):*
* os.remove(self.log_path)*
* #self.log=open(self.log_path,'a')*
* self.log=codecs.open(self.log_path, "a", 'utf-8')*
* *
* def getInstance(log_path=None):*
* print "encodage systeme:"+sys.getdefaultencoding()*
* if Log.log is None:*
* if log_path is None:*
* log_path=os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'logParDefaut.log')*
* Log.log=Log(log_path)*
* return Log.log*
* *
* getInstance=staticmethod(getInstance)*
* *
* def p(self,msg):*
* aujour_dhui=datetime.now()*
* date_stamp=aujour_dhui.strftime("%d/%m/%y-%H:%M:%S")*
* print sys.getdefaultencoding()*
* unicode_str='%s : %s \n' % (date_stamp,unicode(msg,'utf-8'))*
* #unicode_str=msg*
* self.log.write(unicode_str)*
* return unicode_str*
* *
* def close(self):*
* self.log.flush()*
* self.log.close()*
* return self.log_path*
*if __name__ == '__main__':*
* l=Log.getInstance()*
* l.p("premier message de Log à accents")*
* Log.getInstance().p("second message de Log")*
* l.close()*
The DOS conole output is now:
*C:\Documents and Settings\jpmena\Mes
*Page de codes active : 1252*
*encodage systeme:ascii*
*encodage systeme:ascii*
And the Generated Log file showsnow the expected result:
*11/04/11-10:53:44 : premier message de Log à accents *
*11/04/11-10:53:44 : second message de Log*
If you have other links of interests about unicode encoding and decoding in
Python. They are welcome
2011/4/10 MRAB <python at mrabarnett.plus.com>
> On 10/04/2011 13:22, Jean-Pierre M wrote:
> > I created a simple program which writes in a unicode files some french
> text with accents!
> [snip]
> This line:
> l.p("premier message de Log à accents")
> passes a bytestring to the method, and inside the method, this line:
> unicode_str=u'%s : %s \n' %
> (date_stamp,msg.encode(self.charset_log,'replace'))
> it tries to encode the bytestring to Unicode.
> It's not possible to encode a bytestring, only a Unicode string, so
> Python tries to decode the bytestring using the fallback encoding
> (ASCII) and then encode the result.
> Unfortunately, the bytestring isn't ASCII (it contains accented
> characters), so it can't be decoded as ASCII, hence the exception.
> BTW, it's probably better to forget about cp1252, etc, and use UTF-8
> instead, and also to use Unicode wherever possible.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
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