Arrange files according to a text file

Emile van Sebille emile at
Sat Aug 27 14:06:22 EDT 2011

On 8/27/2011 10:03 AM Ric at said...
> Hello,
> What would be the best way to accomplish this task?

I'd do something like:

usernames = """Adler, Jack
Smith, John
Smith, Sally
Stone, Mark""".split('\n')

filenames = """Smith, John - 02-15-75 - business files.doc
Random Data - Adler Jack - expenses.xls
More Data Mark Stone files list.doc""".split('\n')

from difflib import SequenceMatcher as SM

def ignore(x):
     return x in ' ,.'

for filename in filenames:
     ratios = [SM(ignore,filename,username).ratio() for username in 
     best = max(ratios)
     owner = usernames[ratios.index(best)]
     print filename,":",owner


> I have many files in separate directories, each file name
> contain a persons name but never in the same spot.
> I need to find that name which is listed in a large
> text file in the following format. Last name, comma
> and First name. The last name could be duplicate.
> Adler, Jack
> Smith, John
> Smith, Sally
> Stone, Mark
> etc.
> The file names don't necessary follow any standard
> format.
> Smith, John - 02-15-75 - business files.doc
> Random Data - Adler Jack - expenses.xls
> More Data Mark Stone files list.doc
> etc
> I need some way to pull the name from the file name, find it in the
> text list and then create a directory based on the name on the list
> "Smith, John" and move all files named with the clients name into that
> directory.

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