Checking Signature of Function Parameter

Travis Parks jehugaleahsa at
Sun Aug 28 17:20:11 EDT 2011

I am trying to write an algorithms library in Python. Most of the
functions will accept functions as parameters. For instance, there is
a function called any:

def any(source, predicate):
    for item in source:
        if predicate(item):
            return true;
    return false;

There are some things I want to make sure of. 1) I want to make sure
that source is iterable. 2) More importantly, I want to make sure that
predicate is callable, accepting a thing, returning a bool.

This is what I have so far:

if source is None: raise ValueError("")
if not isinstanceof(source, collections.iterable): raise TypeError("")
if not callable(predicate): raise TypeError("")

The idea here is to check for issues up front. In some of the
algorithms, I will be using iterators, so bad arguments might not
result in a runtime error until long after the calls are made. For
instance, I might implement a filter method like this:

def where(source, predicate):
    for item in source:
        if predicate(item):
            yield item

Here, an error will be delayed until the first item is pulled from the
source. Of course, I realize that functions don't really have return
types. Good thing is that virtually everything evaluates to a boolean.
I am more concerned with the number of parameters.

Finally, can I use decorators to automatically perform these checks,
instead of hogging the top of all my methods?

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