[Python] Why I need the parameter when the call doesn't use it?

Chris Gonnerman chris at gonnerman.org
Sun Aug 28 21:42:32 EDT 2011

On 08/28/2011 07:26 PM, Niklas Rosencrantz wrote:
> I modularize code for a webapp and I want to know what python makes that a need to define an argument called self? Here's some code where I'm modularizing a recaptcha test to a function and the I must add the parameter "self" to the function is_submitter_human:
> ----
> class A(BaseHandler, blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreUploadHandler):
>      def is_submitter_human(self):
is_submitter_human() isn't a function, it's a method.  Methods are 
always called with a reference to the class instance (i.e. the object) 
that the method belongs to; this reference is the first argument, and is 
conventionally called "self".

Though I've hacked it out, your code sample includes calls to other 
methods of the object, by calling self.methodname().  Without the first 
parameter, how else would you do it?

-- Chris.

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