Relative import from script with same name as package
Oktay Şafak
oktaysafak at
Sun Aug 14 18:56:35 EDT 2011
14.08.2011 21:48, OKB (not okblacke) yazmış:
> =?UTF-8?B?T2t0YXkgxZ5hZmFr?= wrote:
>>> It appears that Python is reading "import thetest" as
>>> importing
>>> (the same file that is currently being run). When it
>>> tries to run that file a second time, the relative import fails.
>> No, there is no such thing happening. Read the error message more
>> carefully: the error happens when your code reaches the line "from
>> .theother import foo", and it fails because you are trying to
>> execute an "explicit" relative import statement (with leading dot
>> notation) as introduced by PEP 328. What you see is perfectly
>> expected behaviour as explained in detail in the PEP because the
>> python interpreter can only make sense of that statement if that
>> code is *imported* for use by code that resides *outside* the
>> package. That error message is what you see when you try to *run* a
>> package member module which uses explicit relative imports. Let me
>> try to explain a bit further:
> Yes, such a thing was happening. (I described the fix in an
> answer to my own post.) You should read PEP 366 to understand what I
> was talking about, and what the __package__ variable does.
Hmmm, I have overlooked the middle part of your code. Now I get what you
mean. Yes that is happening, you are right and I have given the source
of that behaviour in my previous post:
> - BIG SOURCE OF CONFUSION: Relative imports (both implicit and explicit) is all about imports *inside* packages. When you have 2 scripts and sitting in a *non-package* folder (they are called top-level modules), that folder is always the first entry in sys.path when you run either of those modules directly, so "import string" in will always import the in that folder, not the stdlib one. (But not when you try with IDLE!) In this case, if you really want the standard module, you must manipulate sys.path before your import statement (or change the name of your local THE PEP (328) HAS NO EFFECT IN THAT CASE!
In your case, you are not using the package by importing its members
from code outside the package but you are running them directly. So,
your files and are now *top-level* modules for
the interpreter, not package members. So as per PEP 366, you need to add
that boilerplate to set the __package__ attribute.
But the "from __future__ import absolute_import" statement has no effect
on the "import thetest" statement when you run the file directly: then is a top level module, and when the interpreter encounters
the statement "import thetest" *it is already absolute import* (whether
you issed the __future__ statement or not). It still is in Python 2.7.
PEP 328 has no effect in this case. Remember that absolute import means
importing from sys.path only. In this case,'s folder is
always the first entry in sys.path so it tries to import itself first.
You would also see the same behaviour if your "import thetest" statement
was in, it would import rather than the package.
So as I have said before and quoted above, in this case you have to
manipulate sys.path, which you have found out yourself.
So what is this "absolute import" thing that is introduced by PEP 328
then? It is all about import statements in package members when they are
imported from code outside the package. Before PEP 328, if
contained an "import thetest" statement and if you fired up your
interpreter and issued
import thetest.theother
that "import thetest" in would find It was
considered to be a(n implicit) package-relative import. After PEP 328,
if you add to the top of or issue at the interpreter
from __future__ import absolute_import
and then issue
import thetest.theother
the "import thetest" statement in will find the *package*
thetest because sys.path is given priority over the package dir by the
__future__ statement. So the PEP has effectively overthrown the
convention of treating such imports as special. They are not treated as
special anymore and receive the same treatment as other imports. This is
one aspect of the PEP.
The PEP also defines a new notation (leading dot) for those who want the
sibling, which is another aspect.
But when you run the directly, the PEP and the __future__
statement has NO EFFECT. The "import thetest" statement in
is not seen as intra package import by the interpreter so it is already
absolute import (uses sys.path) So it finds because it is in
the same folder as, which is the first folder in sys.path.
Many people are confused and think that this is relative import. It's
not. It is already absolute import (from sys.path) and the PEP has
nothing to do with it. Now we can answer your critical question:
> But why? That __future__ import is supposed to make absolute
> imports the default, so why is "import thetest" importing
> instead of the package called thetest?
Bacause you are running it directly and the PEP and the __future__
statement does not apply here.
I hope it is clear now.
Oktay Şafak
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