Ten rules to becoming a Python community member.
rantingrick at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 19:12:53 EDT 2011
On Aug 16, 4:55 pm, David Monaghan <monaghand.da... at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Aug 2011 13:13:10 -0700 (PDT), rantingrick
> <rantingr... at gmail.com> wrote:
> >If conciseness is all you seek then perhaps you prefer the following?
> >ORIGINAL: "I used to wear wooden shoes"
> >CONCISE: "I wore wooden shoes"
> >ORIGINAL: "I have become used to wearing wooden shoes"
> >CONCISE: "I like wearing wooden shoes"
> >However as you can see much of the rich information is missing.
> Indeed. Neither of your two concise examples has the same meaning of the
> originals.
Really? Are you sure?
ORIGINAL1: "I used to wear wooden shoes"
CONCISE_1a: "I wore wooden shoes"
the word "wore" is "past tense" and can be replaced with the "past
tense" phrase of "used to wear" without changing any meaning
whatsoever -- albeit the latter is childish!
CONCISE_1b: "I wore wood shoes"
Wooden = "object made of wood" = "flesh of a tree"
Wood = "the flesh of a tree"
Completely interchangeable!
CONCISE_1c: "I<<wood shoes"
Considering that "I" is an object that has overloaded the left shift
operator with an instance method to append a single argument (in this
case "wood shoes") to instance "I's" feet. Obviously if an object
didn't like wooden shoes it would not have a method that accepts
them... yeah it's a bit of a stretch, but not so much that it's
impossible to comprehend!
ORIGINAL_2: "I have become used to wearing wooden shoes"
CONCISE_2a: "I like wearing wooden shoes"
the word "like" is a positive "present tense" inflection of emotion as
it regards to wooden shoes; as is the phrase "become used to" --
albeit the latter is childish.
CONCISE_2b: "I like wooden shoes"
If you like wooden shoes it's only natural to assume that you would
wear them.
CONCISE_2c: "I like wood shoes"
Wood, Wooden, we've been here before.
CONCISE_2d: "wood shoes: +1"
Since the fact about "wearing" them can go without being said, you get
the picture... although this too is a stretch, but not impossible!
> Different phrasings of all but the most basic sentences often have subtle
> differences of meaning which native speakers intend and understand. 1984 has
> been and gone. Shame on you!
Guido himself admitted that hidden descriptors are real. The inception
has begun!
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