relative speed of incremention syntaxes (or "i=i+1" VS "i+=1")
usenet-nospam at
Mon Aug 22 01:33:28 EDT 2011
On 2011-08-21, Andreas L?scher <andreas.loescher at> wrote:
> Am Sonntag, den 21.08.2011, 14:52 -0400 schrieb Roy Smith:
>> In article <mailman.282.1313951079.27778.python-list at>,
>> Christian Heimes <lists at> wrote:
>> > I don't think that's the reason. Modern compiles turn a switch statement
>> > into a jump or branch table rather than a linear search like chained
>> > elif statements.
>> This is true even for very small values of "modern". I remember the
>> Unix v6 C compiler (circa 1977) was able to do this.
> What is the difference in speed between a jump table that is searched
> from top to bottom
A jump table isn't searched, it's jumped into. You don't look through the
table for a matching element, you grab the Nth element of the table.
Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed. Peter Seebach / usenet-nospam at <-- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures <-- get educated!
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