Why I need the parameter when the call doesn't use it?

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sun Aug 28 21:32:22 EDT 2011

Niklas Rosencrantz <niklasro at gmail.com> writes:

> I modularize code for a webapp and I want to know what python makes
> that a need to define an argument called self?

Because, when calling a method on an instance, the instance is a
parameter to the call. That is,

    foo = Thribble()

is usually syntactic sugar for

    foo = Thribble()
    foo.__class__.bar(foo, "spam")

and so the definition of that function on the Thribble class needs to
accept both parameters.

> Here's some code where I'm modularizing a recaptcha test to a function
> and the I must add the parameter "self" to the function
> is_submitter_human

Yes, because the code of ‘is_submitter_human’ needs to know *which*
instance has been passed. That instance is bound to the first parameter,
which is conventionally named ‘self’.

> It seems unlike other programming languages where the number of
> arguments in the call are the same as the number of arguments in the
> function head and python requires me to add one parameter to the
> function head and I wonder if you call tell me something about the
> background why?

I hope that explains.

See also:


 \      “Nullius in verba” (“Take no-one's word for it”) —motto of the |
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Ben Finney

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