Why do class methods always need 'self' as the first parameter?
Prasad, Ramit
ramit.prasad at jpmorgan.com
Wed Aug 31 13:12:48 EDT 2011
>def double(obj): return 2*obj.value
>class C:
> def __init__(self, val):
> self.value = val
>c = C(3)
>C.double = double
>c.doub = double
># not c.double as that would mask access to C.double in c.double() below
>print(double(c), C.double(c), c.double(), c.doub(c))
Sorry if I get some of the following terminology wrong, I get a bit confused on Python terms. I hope the following is still coherent. (Is there a dictionary of Python terminology?)
Given the above example I get this
>>> print c.double(c)
TypeError: double() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
>>> print c.doub(c)
It seems to me that if I add a function to the list of class attributes it will automatically wrap with "self" but adding it to the object directly will not wrap the function as a method. Can somebody explain why? I would have thought that any function added to an object would be a method (unless decorated as a class method).
Hmm, or does the decoration just tell Python not to turn an object's function into a method? I.e. Is the decorator basically just the syntactic sugar for doing the above?
Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
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