boolean from a function

Ethan Furman ethan at
Tue Dec 13 12:42:05 EST 2011

Andrea Crotti wrote:
> I'm not sure for how long I had this bug, and I could not understand the 
> problem.
> I had a function which would return a boolean
> def func_bool():
>     if x:
>         return True
>     else: return False
> Now somewhere else I had
> if func_bool:
>     # do something
> I could not quite understand why it was always true, until I finally 
> noticed that the () were missing.
> Is there some tool to avoid these stupid mistakes? (pylint doesn't warn 
> me on that)
> I don't think I will ever (or almost) have to use a function as a 
> boolean, instead of its return value...

Heh, I do believe I've been bitten by that a couple times.

The only defense I'm aware of is good unit tests.


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