re.sub(): replace longest match instead of leftmost match?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Fri Dec 16 17:26:03 EST 2011

On 12/16/2011 1:36 PM, Roy Smith wrote:

> What you want is an IPv6 class which represents an address in some
> canonical form.  It would have constructors which accept any of the
> RFC-2373 defined formats.  It would also have string formatting methods
> to convert the internal form into any of these formats.
> Then, instead of attempting to regex your way directly from one string
> representation to another, you would do something like:
> addr_string = "FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:321"
> print IPv6(addr_string).to_short_form()

There are at least 2 third-party IP classes in use. I would not be 
surprised if at least one of them does this.

Terry Jan Reedy

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