python 2.5 and ast
88888 Dihedral
dihedral88888 at
Fri Dec 2 13:28:10 EST 2011
On Monday, November 28, 2011 7:45:57 PM UTC+8, Andrea Crotti wrote:
> I'm happily using the ast module to analyze some code,
> but my scripts need also to run unfortunately on python 2.5
> The _ast was there already, but the ast helpers not yet.
> Is it ok if I just copy over the source from the ast helpers in my code base
> or is there a smarter way?
> (I don't even need all of them, just "parse" and NodeVisitor at the moment)
Sounds like a hash for nodes and a hash for a tree.
A hash can replace a tree of finite number of nodes.
An array or list is enough to replace a tree of finite number of nodes.
The heap sort ordering is simple but illustrative .
After all the tasks of the tree are done, the hash of the tree
will be deleted by Python's garbage collection mechanism.
A hash can replace an indexed array with (k,v) pairs for k=0,1,2,3...n in
a trivial way.
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