order independent hash?
88888 Dihedral
dihedral88888 at googlemail.com
Sun Dec 4 10:39:03 EST 2011
On Sunday, December 4, 2011 9:41:19 PM UTC+8, Roel Schroeven wrote:
> Op 2011-12-02 6:48, 88888 Dihedral schreef:
> > A hash stores (k,v) pairs specified in the run time with auto memory
> > management build in is not a simple hash function to produce data
> > signatures only clearly in my post.
> >
> > What I said a hash which is lifted as a basic type in python is
> > called a dictionary in python.
> >
> > It is called a map in c++'s generics library.
> Not exactly: a C++ std::map uses a tree structure (which is why it keeps
> the keys sorted). C++ STL also has std::hash_map which, as the name
> implies, does use a hash table implementation.
Thanks for your comments. Are we gonna talk about the way to implement a hash
table or the use of a hash table in programming?
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