I love the decorator in Python!!!
Thomas Rachel
nutznetz-0c1b6768-bfa9-48d5-a470-7603bd3aa915 at spamschutz.glglgl.de
Fri Dec 9 04:57:59 EST 2011
Am 08.12.2011 12:43 schrieb Chris Angelico:
> On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 10:22 PM, K.-Michael Aye<kmichael.aye at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am still perplexed about decorators though, am happily using Python for
>> many years without them, but maybe i am missing something?
>> For example in the above case, if I want the names attached to each other
>> with a comma, why wouldn't I just create a function doing exactly this? Why
>> would I first write a single name generator and then decorate it so that I
>> never can get single names anymore (this is the case, isn't it? Once
>> decorated, I can not get the original behaviour of the function anymore.
> The example given is a toy. It's hardly useful.
Right. It was supposed to be an example.
In my case, I work with a script used to build a XML file. I change this
script from time to time in order to match the requirements.
Here I find it useful just to add some more yield statements for adding
But now that I think again about it, it's more an example for
generators, not so much for decorators - which I like as well.
But some useful examples for decorators include
1. "Threadifying" a function, i.e. turning it into a Thread object, or
into a callable which in turn starts a thread according to the given
2. Automatically calling a function if the given module is executed as a
script, a kind of replacement for the "if __name__ == '__main__':" stuff.
3. Meta decorators:
I find it annoying to have to wrap the function given to the decorator
into another one, modifying its properties and returning that in turn.
def wrapfunction(decorated):
"""Wrap a function taking (f, *a, **k) and replace it with a
function taking (f) and returning a function taking (*a, **k) which
calls our decorated function.
from functools import wraps
def wrapped_outer(f):
def wrapped_inner(*a, **k):
return decorated(f, *a, **k)
return wrapped_inner
return wrapped_outer
makes it much easier to create decorators which just wrap a function
into another, extending its funtionality:
def return_list(f, *a, **k)
return list(f(*a, **k))
is much easier and IMHO much better to read than
def return_list(f):
"""Wrap a function taking (f, *a, **k) and replace it with a
function taking (f) and returning a function taking (*a, **k) which
calls our decorated function.
from functools import wraps
def wrapped(*a, **k):
return list(f, *a, **k)
return wrapped
- especially if used multiple times.
3a. This is a modified case of my first example: If you want a function
to assemble and return a list instead of a generator object, but prefer
"yield" over "ret=[]; ret.append();...", you can do that with this
4. So-called "indirect decorators":
def foo(bar):
are as well quite tricky to build when taking
def indirdeco(ind):
from functools import update_wrapper, wraps
# outer wrapper: replaces a call with *a, **k with an updated
# lambda, getting the function to be wrapped and applying it and
# *a, **k to ind.
outerwrapper=lambda *a, **k: upd(lambda f: ind(f, *a, **k))
# We update this as well:
return upd(outerwrapper)
# We don't update f nor the result of ind() - it is the callee's
# business.
It is kind of reverse to 3.
def addingdeco(f, offset):
return lambda *a, **k: f(*a, **k) + offset
# Here should maybe be wrapped - it is just supposed to be an
# example.
5. Creating a __all__ for a module. Instead of maintaining it somewhere
centrally, you can take a
class AllList(list):
"""list which can be called in order to be used as a __all__-adding
def __call__(self, obj):
"""for decorators"""
return obj
, do a __all__ = AllList()
and subsequently decorate each function with
6. Re-use a generator:
A generator object is creted upon calling the generator function with
parameters and can be used only once. A object wrapping this generator
might be useful.
# Turn a generator into a iterable object calling the generator.
class GeneratorIterable(object):
"""Take a parameterless generator function and call it on every
def __init__(self, gen):
# Set object attribute.
self.gen = gen
def __iter__(self):
# Class attribute calls object attribute in order to keep
# namespace variety small.
return self.gen()
def mygen():
yield 1
yield 2
list(mygen) -> [1, 2]
list(mygen) -> [1, 2] # again, without the ()
Might be useful if the object is to be transferred to somewhere else.
Some of these decorators are more useful, some less if seen standalone,
but very handy if creating other decorators.
HTH nevertheless,
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