Buffering of sys.stdout and sys.stderr in python3 (and documentation)

Geoff Bache geoff.bache at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 05:03:10 EST 2011

Hi Terry,

> The difference from 2.x should be in What's New in 3.0, except that the
> new i/o module is in 2.6, so it was not exactly new.

The io module existed in 2.6, but it was not used by default for
standard output and standard error. The only mention of this in
"What's New in 3.0" is in the section marked for changes that were
already in 2.6 (which is wrong in this case), and it notes only that
io.TextIOWrapper is now used, but not what implications that has for
its behaviour and backward compatibility.

> You might be able
> to find more inhttp://python.org/dev/peps/pep-3116/

I skimmed through it but couldn't find anything relevant. It seems
more "advanced" and implementation-focussed.

> You *should* be able to find sufficient info in the 3.x docs. If, after
> you get other responses (or not), you think the docs need upgrading,
> open an issue on the tracker at bugs.python.org with suggestions as
> specific as possible, including changed or new lines of text based on
> your experience and experiments.

OK, I'll do that if nobody points me at some existing docs here.

Geoff Bache

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