Verbose and flexible args and kwargs syntax
hoogendoorn.eelco at
Mon Dec 12 18:40:38 EST 2011
> > Im not sure if this is a genuine understanding, or trollish
> > obtuseness.
> If you are referring to what I write, it is based on genuine
> understanding of Python.
This is getting 'interesting'. In a way. I meant to write
'misunderstanding', as I think the context made quite clear. So again
this adds another layer of doubt as to whether you are being obtuse
for its own sake, or if there is yet another layer of misunderstanding
stacked on top of the others. Either way, lets continue with the
benefit of the doubt.
> One use case of *target is to ignore the stuff collected in the target
> because one only wants a few end values from the iterable. Another is to
> pull stuff out because one wants to iterate through the rest. For both
> uses, a list is as good as anything.
So what is the point of having different sequence types, if a list can
do anything? I would argue that the different performance
characteristics and differences in semantics give each sequence type
ample reason for existence.
> Convert. For the very few cases one wants to do this, it is quite adequate.
Or so you opine. As you may recall, the original idea was motivated by
args/kwargs syntactic clarity and flexibility; I merely shifted focus
to this use case of collection unpacking since it is somewhat simpler
and easier to discuss. Keep that in mind, should you seek to build a
case for that assertion in the future.
> > but the question is whether this language design can be improved upon.
> Not easily.
Again, so you opine. Care to give a refutation of my proposed double
colon syntax? Ignoring for a moment whether or not it is useful; does
it clash with anything? I havnt been able to think of anything in the
past few hours, but im not taking that to mean much; there are
probably some subtleties I am overlooking. I think it dos not clash
with slicing syntax for instance, but im not sure.
> For a linked list, no *target and no copying is needed:
> head, tail = llist
I have no idea what this means.
> >>>> head, deque(tail) = somedeque
> > Is better in every way I can think of (readability, consistence,
> > performance) than:
> >>>> head, *tail = somedeque
> >>>> tail = deque(tail)
> But your suggestion is much worse in each way than
> head = somedeque.popleft()
No its not. First of all, its not semantically equivalent; popleft
mutates a collection type, and collection unpacking does not; it
creates a set of disjoint views of the collection's data. Whether its
worse in terms of readability is debatable, but in terms of the other
two stated metrics, your claim of it being any kind of worse is
objectively false.
Furthermore, this brings us back again to the point I raised several
times before. Yes, obviously you can already DO these things, but NOT
within the same uniform collection unpacking syntactic construct.
Again, you have failed to point out what is wrong with supplying a
type constrain to python and let it do the right thing based on that;
to reiterate:
head, tail::deque = deque
No need to mutate anything; python can create the view of the
linkedlist internally. A single unambigious syntax, and single
unambigious semantics, for all sequence types. Whats not to like?
If you dont like the extra characters you have to type; there is of
course such a thing as defaults. You can choose:
head, tail:: = deque; if the type constraint is omitted, we could make
tail a list by default, or my preferred solution, infer it from the
right hand side type. In case of the former, all you had to do was
type :: instead of *, and your python universe would otherwise be
completely unchanged. If thats 'not easily', I dont know what is.
> To repeat, there is no reason to copy even once. If one does not want to
> mutate the deque, then one mutates an iterator view of the deque.
And arrive at yet another construction to do the same thing.
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