Fixing the XML batteries
Serhiy Storchaka
storchaka at
Tue Dec 13 09:27:56 EST 2011
13.12.11 14:32, Stefan Behnel написав(ла):
> I stripped my name from the quoted context because I didn't say this.
I am glad to hear this. ;)
>> I use xml.dom.minidom for XML canonization and convertion:
> Do you mean "canonicalisation"? I.e. C14N? That's not what the code
> below is doing, not at all.
No, only converting to certain textual representation. Converting
entities to text (if possible), converting "'" to '"' for quoting,
sorting attributes, etc.
>> How to do this with xml.etree.ElementTree?
> In Python 2.7/3.2, ElementTree has support for C14N serialisation, just
> pass the option method="c14n".
Thanks, I will try this. But I need 2.6+ compatibility.
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