AttributeError in "with" statement (3.2.2)
88888 Dihedral
dihedral88888 at
Wed Dec 14 11:08:32 EST 2011
On Wednesday, December 14, 2011 4:01:24 PM UTC+8, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Dec 2011 01:29:13 -0500, Terry Reedy wrote:
> > To complement what Eric says below: The with statement is looking for an
> > instance *method*, which by definition, is a function attribute of a
> > *class* (the class of the context manager) that takes an instance of the
> > class as its first parameter.
> I'm not sure that is correct... I don't think that there is anything "by
> definition" about where methods live. Particularly not in Python where
> instance methods can be attributes of the instance itself.
> >>> class Test(object):
> ... def method(self):
> ... print("This method is an attribute of the class.")
> ...
> >>> t = Test()
> >>> t.method()
> This method is an attribute of the class.
> >>>
> >>> import types
> >>> t.method = types.MethodType(
> ... lambda self: print(
> ... "This method is an attribute of the instance."), t)
> >>> t.method()
> This method is an attribute of the instance.
> So the normal lookup rules that apply to data attributes, namely
> instance, then class, then superclasses, also applies to methods in
> Python. In languages that don't allow that sort of thing, like Java, you
> need to use convoluted design patterns like Dynamic Proxy to make it
> work. In Python, you just create a method and attach it on the instance.
> instance-of-a-class
> But this doesn't apply for special dunder attributes like __exit__, for
> speed reasons. (For new-style classes only, classic classes have no such
> special casing. This makes automatic delegation a breeze in Python 2 with
> classic classes, and a PITA in Python 3. Boo hiss.)
> --
> Steven
In Python an instance of an object of a class can have its own method.
A living object can use those methods in the class definition and
can acquire a new method at runtime.
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