Transform two tuples item by item
gnarlodious at
Mon Dec 19 21:04:15 EST 2011
What is the best way to operate on a tuple of values transforming them against a tuple of operations? Result can be a list or tuple:
tup=(35, '34', 0, 1, 31, 0, '既濟')
from cgi import escape
[tup[0], "<span class='H'>{}</span>".format(tup[1]), bool(tup[2]), bool(tup[3]), tup[4], bool(tup[5]), escape(tup[6])]
-> [35, "<span class='H'>34</span>", False, True, 31, False, '既濟']
But I want to loop rather than subscripting.
-- Gnarlie
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