The ever-expanding bubble of GREED
Rick Johnson
rantingrickjohnson at
Mon Dec 19 22:15:33 EST 2011
I just read an article[1] reporting that Apple has won a court case
against Andoid (and others) over a patent infringement. Before i was
able to see what all the hub-bub was about my mind started to wonder
what "advanced technology" Google has stolen from Apple.
To my great UNSURPRISE the so-called "advanced tech" the apple-tards
managed to patent was... wait for it....HYPERLINKS!
WHAT? They got a patent for hyperlinks? When will the REAL inventor
get due credit? Are you trying to tell us that YOU invented the
hyperlink, Apple?
Folks, this whole intellectual property thing has approached a point
of madness. I can see two spoiled kids fighting over a toy iterating
for eternity ...
while throat_not__too_terribly_sore():
kid_1.say( "i had it first")
kid_2.say("No, I had it first")
...meanwhile WE suffer the consequences. And the consequences are two
1. Increased cost
2. decreased advancement of tech
But is Apple the REAL problem here? No, the *real* problem is GREED.
We have corporations who's sole purpose is to make a very few people
rich off the backs of the slaves. In this environment, the only way
you can prosper is through GREED. I don't blame the corporations, no,
i blame the system. Greed is the disease, and Cooperatives[2] are the
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