Python education survey
Roy Smith
roy at
Tue Dec 20 21:34:38 EST 2011
In article <mailman.3895.1324433216.27778.python-list at>,
Ashton Fagg <ashton at> wrote:
> As long as the text editor has line numbers and syntax highlighting
> it's sufficient in my book.
I agree with the syntax highlighting. I resisted for many years, then
somebody turned me on to it a few years ago and I've been addicted ever
As for line numbers, for working alone, I don't see much point. But for
any kind of interaction with other people, it's essential. It's just SO
much easier to say, "line 417" as opposed to "OK, scroll up a couple
more lines, no, no, not that far, go down a little. There! See that
print statement, now go down three lines below that, ..." By the time
the two of you are on the same page about which line of code you're
talking about, you will have forgotten what you wanted to say.
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