Learning Python 2.4
Rick Johnson
rantingrickjohnson at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 21:50:29 EST 2011
On Dec 20, 8:13 pm, Ashton Fagg <ash... at fagg.id.au> wrote:
> On 21 December 2011 10:31, Rick Johnson <rantingrickjohn... at gmail.com> wrote:
> I got the impression the OP was learning programming in general (i.e.
> from scratch) and not merely "learning Python". If this is the case it
> shouldn't matter if they're merely learning the concepts as you can
> always get up to speed on the differences later on as they get more
> experienced.
I say that assumption is wrong; read on for details...
> If they are "learning Python" (i.e. have programmed previously and are
> learning this as a new language), learning the basics from the book
> would be fine and it shouldn't be too hard to get up to speed on the
> newer stuff later on. Although I'd recommend starting on the latest
> iteration if possible, as it will alleviate some of the leg work of
> catching up on the newer features.
I don't see how "experienced" or "un-experienced" has anything to do
with this. The fact is... Python 2.4 is dead. Python 2.5 is dead.
Python 2.6 is dead, and yes, even python 2.7 is bereft of life!
The only Python version that matters at this moment in "time space" is
Python 3.2.2. The only exception to that rule is if you need an old
module that 3.0 does not support. AND THAT IS THE ONLY EXCEPTION!
I currently have Python 2.7 and Python 3.2.2 installed on my machine.
I don't use Python 2.7 because i am a member of some secret "Python
Historical Commission", NO. I use Python 2.7 because i have no other
choice. Much of my old code bases requires modules that DO NOT work in
Python 3.0. Some 3rd party devs are even suggesting that they will
NEVER upgrade...HOWEVER... I write ALL new code with Python 3.0
compliance. Anyone who would refuse to use Python 3.0 for new code is
a fool. You may not realize it now, but you will be kicking yourself
There are individual losses and collective losses from each person who
thinks they should keep some old run down building from the wrecking
ball. Progress requires tearing down old, worn out structures, and
replacing them with cleaner, safer, and shiny-er structures.
Structures that are NOT infested with vermin. Structures that are NOT
a fire hazard. Structures that are NOT insulated with asbestos!
Remember, back in the day, asbestos was the "wonder material". Look,
it does not burn! Look, it does not rot! Look, it will even wipe your
back side! <disclaimer>Oh by the way, you might get lung cancer and
die from one breath of it's dust. But no need to worry about that
little hiccup for many years to come.</disclaimer>
Collectively we as a community suffer when even one new lad chooses to
use an old version of Python. Why? Because that is one less person
pushing the masses of 3rd party developers to get off their lazy bums
and upgrade to 3000 compliance.
Avoid Python<3.X like the plague -- and stop propagating stagnation!
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